
Showing posts from October, 2021

Time Variation and Lead Time Increase: A Vicious Circle

Time variation and WIP cause a vicious circle that increases value stream lead time making it difficult to keep pace with changing customer demand. Time is a continuous variable which can be easily recorded without the need of special equipment: PCs or smartphones used to collect data can automatically record a timestamp. When it comes to analyse cause and effect between process parameters and results time is key. Time Variation Causes Accumulation of WIP You can experience this effect in exercise 7 with a simulator  : This WIP Increase Causes a Lead Time Increase As seen in the same simulator: This is due to the fact that items have to wait in the queues formed before steps 2 and 3. Long Lead Times Cause an Amplification Upstream of the Market Variation  This effect is well illustrated in the Beer Game  which can be experienced with various simulators in the web. The game was first described by Peter Senge  in The Fifth Discipline . A small variation in the market demand is amplified