Excel VSM Simulator

A still picture of a Value Stream Map may not fully explain the behavior of the Value Stream. In some cases we need to understand its dynamic behavior. To do this we will convert our Excel Value Stream Map into a Monte Carlo Simulator. In Excel Value Stream Map we saw how a complex Value Stream could be mapped using Excel. We saw the importance of mapping feedback loops such as test-repair loops because they may become the bottleneck for the complete value stream. In this situation not all items flow along all branches so we need to calculate the % flowing along each branch. This enabled us to calculate the cycle for each workstation based on the staffing. Finally we were able to calculate the ideal staffing to balance the line: insure no workstation cycle is above the average inter-arrival time (takt time). This we did using Solver. Value Stream Map: Still Picture Vs Dynamic Behavior Mapping the current value stream is a good starting point to understand how it behaves b...