
Virtual Obeya Room

The Obeya room is a "war room" used by process improvement teams to meet and solve critical multi functional problems.  The room walls are lined up with boards, highly visual charts and graphs showing program timing, milestones and progress to date and countermeasures to existing timing or technical problems.  The team meets in this room regularly but team members can also visit the room, which is fully dedicated to the project, throughout the day. What is an Obeya? Obeya Room Benefits Remove organizational barriers Visual management by displaying all relevant data required in the improvement project Encourage a collaborative environment through regular meetings Implement quicker, more effective solutions The whole team knows what is going on in real time Some Practical Constraints in the Implementation Some companies can't afford the luxury of a fully dedicated room Some of the team members may be located far away so they will only attend the meetings The data displayed ...

Autocorrelation: How to Manage it

When a process variable has only random variation, each output is independent of the previous ones.This is what happens in a lottery. In some processes this independence does not happen.   If we control our daily weight, for instance, our weight today is correlated to the weight of the previous days: it has autocorrelation . Weight Autocorrelation One common case of autocorrelation is shown by our body weight.  Our weight today is correlated with: Yesterday's weight:      53% The day before:           39%    Body weight has inertia: you don't expect sudden changes. A similar effect happens when you control a heavy aircraft or a ship: its masive weight prevents you from making a sharp turning or make a sudden stop.  This opposing force to change is what is called Inertia . This inertia definition applies to moving objects and it is proportional to the object mass.  Inertia also applies to fluids: a tank accumulating ...

Natural Gas Demand Forecast

Natural gas demand is highly seasonal, therefore forecasting the final consumption is essential to manage the complete supply chain. Temperature is a main factor affecting home gas consumption for heating. We will analyse the correlation between gas consumption and temperature. Download this Excel file with examples to your PC from OneDrive: Gas Forecast.xlsx   This chart of local consumption during a winter month, leads us to believe that one main factor in consumption is ambient temperature. This may be due to its wide use for heating. We can think of other factors that may affect consumption such as the day of the week so we will analyse this actual consumption data with these two possible factors.  We obtain the day of the week with an Excel formula from the date. We can get the average temperatures of the corresponding geographical area during this period from AEMET (Agencia Estatal de Meteorología) in Day of the Week Calculation We obtain the day of the week wit...