Six Sigma Virtual Catapult with Excel


A wooden catapult has been widely used in Six Sigma education to illustrate multiple factor process variation and optimization.

We will use a catapult simulator with 4 factors to practice:

    • Process variation
    • Linear regression
    • Response surface analysis
    • Process optimization
This will be done using Microsoft Excel Analysis and Solver

Download this Excel simulator Catapult.xlsx from One Drive

Working Plan

1. What factors affect distance?

2. What values of these factors to achieve maximum distance?

3. Run a full factorial set of experiments with 4 central points

4. Can you detect curvature? Is this linear model valid?

5. Run response surface experiments to find a better model

6. What is the resulting formula to estimate distance as a function of factors?

7. What values give us the maximum distance?

8. Make 10 replicates to estimate the confidence iterval of the distance

9. Calculate the angle a to hit a target of 20 with maximum or minimum values of f, m and l

Possible Factors Affecting Range

We have 4 factors that might affect distance d:

f:    spring force

m:   payload weight

a:    release angle

l:     lever length

Experimentation Levels

Factorial Experiment Design

First we want to know which of these factors affect the range d.

We will start with a full factorial design with the 4 factors adding 4 central points.

See article  Design of Experiments (DOE) with Excel

In sheet Coding  we obtain the uncoded values from the coded design matrix.

Run the Experiments

We will now simulate running these experiments entering the uncoded matrix in our simulator in sheet Catapult:

Factorial Analysis

We obtain:


The R square value of 0.68 indicates that this linear mathematical model only explains 68% of the variation.

On the other hand the p-values of the four factors below 0.05 indicate that they all have a significant effect on the distance d. 

Plotting distance as a function of angle we see that the central point is out of line with the extremes: the relationship between distance and angle is not linear. 
This invalidates our linear model: we will try a quadratic model with response surface design of experiments.

Response Surface Design

We will run a 4 factor CCD design in order to use the previous experiments already performed.

To the 16 full factorial experiments already performed we now add 8 additional star points and 7 central points to complete the response surface experiments.

Response Surface Analysis

We now compute the squares and interactions of factors for the analysis:

We do the regression analysis using d as an output and all factors, interactions and squares as inputs.

The result of the regression analysis:

We now have a good R square value of 91%

We will now remove non-significant squares and interactions (p > 0.05) and run the regression again:

The p-values for f and l are above 0.05 but their interactions are below 0.05 so they must remain.

The resulting distance estimate formula is:

d = 23 + 1.3 f -7.9 m +1.4 a -1.6 l -1.5 f*m + 0.3 f*l + 28 m*m 

Maximum Range

We will prepare the cells for Solver to calculate the optimal factor values to achieve maximum distance.

We prepare the yellow cells to contain the values of f, m, a, l that Solver will calculate to maximize distance d (R26).

Squares and interactions in column R are calculated with formulas from the yellow cells.

The formula for distance in R26 is = SUMPRODUCT(M17:M25 ; R17:R25):

We will ask Solver to maximize distance in R26 by changing the values in the yellow cells R18:R21.

We run Solver to obtain the values that maximize distance.

The maximum distance  of 59.6 is, therefore, achieved with:
Sheet Factorial: Using Excel Data Analysis/ Regression:

f = 20 (maximum force)

m = 1 (minimum payload)

a = 60.6 degrees release angle

l = 10 (maximum lever length)

 Results Confirmation

We run 10 experiments all with these optimal values:

Histogram for d and confidence interval for its average:

With our fixed f, m and l values the relationship between angle and distance is:

Hit Target 20

We now want to calculate the factor values to hit a specific target.

There are many combinations of f, m and l values that will allow us to achieve the target of 20 by changing the angle a. 

We fix f = 10, m = 2 and l = 10 and use Solver to calculate the angle a to hit the target d = 20

The resulting angle is a = 51.2


  •  Process simulation could be a useful alternative, when it is not possible to use an actual catapult.
  • We can use an Excel simulator. 
  • Group work and discussion is still possible remotely, running the simulator as a shared file in the cloud such as One Drive, while discussing via Zoom, Meet, or Teams.
  • Design of factorial experiments, and Response Surface analysis, may be done with Excel Data Analysis.
  • Excel Solver may be used to optimize the mathematical model with constraints.

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