Seasonal Trends Analysis with Excel


Process variation analysis is essential in order to improve it. There is always variation.
Sometimes we only have random variation such as in the case of dice throwing:

Normally we have additional variation caused by special causes and these are the ones we should analyse and reduce first.

Hourly Production 

We are going to analyse the hourly production data collected during one month:

Download this Excel file Trend Analysis.xlsx from OneDrive folder

Process stability

SPC charts allow us to check for stability: see if all variation is random.

We now apply an individuals SPC chart to our production data to check this:

The green and red dots are a clear indication of lack of stability: there are special causes affecting production.

Timestamp Data Collection

When we collect process data either manually or automatically it is essential to collect the timestamp associated with each piece of data specially since this can be done with no additional cost:

This timestamp is very useful for any time relatad analysis of the data as we will see.

Some Critical Factors we can Extract from the Timestamp

From a brainstorming session with process experts we have identified these possible critical factors affecting production:
  • Day of the week
  • Shift
  • Hour in the shift
We will now extract these factor values from the Timestamp with formulas:


D2 =HOUR(A2)

E2 =IF(D2<6;"N";IF(D2<14;"M";IF(D2<22;"A";"N")))

F2 =IF(E2="M";D2-5;IF(E2="A";D2-13;IF(D2>21;D2-21;D2+1)))

The resulting extended table is:

Day of the Week Pivot Table

We need to compute the sample size, the average and the standard deviation in order to calculate the confidence interval of the average:

Average Production Confidence Intervals

L3 =IF(I3="";"";J3-TINV(0,05;I3-1)*K3/SQRT(I3))

M3 =IF(I3="";"";J3+TINV(0,05;I3-1)*K3/SQRT(I3))

The resulting 95% confidence intervals:

We conclude that production om Mondays ( DOW = 1) is significantly lower than the other days.

We also notice that production on Fridays (DOW = 5) is significantly higher. 

Maybe the two are related: The line wants to meet the weekly target on Friday and to do that it empties the line so the last process steps have nothing to work on on Monday.

With this rigorous analysis we make sure we make decisions based on data rather than impressions.

Shift Confidence Intervals

We can now do the same analysis for shifts:

Production in the night shift is significantly lower than in the other two.

Hour of the Shift Confidence Intervals

We notice a significant inefficiency at the beginning and the end of the shift. Also in the 3rd hour (maybe there is a scheduled brake).

Process With no Trends

Let us do this analysis of a manufacturing process with the same average and standard deviation but no significant trends.

First we check stability with an SPC chart:

It is indeed a stable process: no out-of-control symptoms.
Let us calculate the confidence intervals of the average production for each of the factors as before:

The overlap of the confidence intervals confirm that there is no significant differences.



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