Lean Vs Six Sigma


What comes first?  Philosophy or Tools?

  • Lean and Six Sigma philosophies are essential to justify and understand the tools required to implement them.
  • But these philosophies are difficult to understand without a deep understanding of the tools. 

Manage the Improvement Project 

  • A project charter is useful to define the project, participants, objectives, etc.
  • Project scheduling keeps track of who does what and when
  • An Obeya Room is often used to focus all project improvement actions and keep everyone up to date.

Understand the Current Process 

Understand Variation

Is the Process Stable? 

  • When it comes to analyse the process data we have collected we want to know if this data really represents this process: Is it different in the night shift? Is it different on Mondays?
  • Normally a Control Plan defines the control points along the process: some automatic, some manual, etc. 
  • Statistical Process Control enables the control of a critical process parameter by the operator.
  • Different control charts are used to ensure process stability
  • Detecting seasonal process trends is possible if timestamps have been collected
  • Process stability is a requirement for any further analysis

Analyse your Process Data 

  • There is no real process improvement until we get to know the root cause of a problem and resolve it. If we limit ourselves to acting on the symptoms the problem may reoccur.
  • Process Data Analysis will allow us to draw statistically valid conclusions from our data
  • Correlation and Regression can help us find relationships between process factors and key process outputs in order to improve these
  • Process Capability measures to what extent is the process able to meet the customer requirements not just now but also in the future.
  • Process auto-correlation is an consequence of inertia in some processes   

Improve your Process 


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